Psalm 136

All the days ordained for us were written in his book before one of them came to be.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

a sewing project blog?

I don't post blogs very often. I aspire to do it more frequently. I aspire to do a lot of things more consistently, but let's not get into that. Here are some pictures of this summer's sewing projects that were inspired last summer (see previous blog).
The pieces of a new purse!
The finished product...
(this was started and finished in a Saturday, with my mom's help)
The pieces to build the blocks for our king-sized quilt!


One block
Four blocks
All 16 blocks laid out on our bed....
 a glimpse of what the whole quilt will look like minus the borders.
The Next Inspiration... The Spice Market Tote by Amy Butler
with Amy Butler Fabric

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